Good morning and good day to you!
We continued working towards 7.EE.B.4. This common core strand has 7 sub skills in the Khan Academy set.
These tasks include:
1) two step equation word problems (THIS WAS TOUGH AND WE WILL COME BACK TO IT)
2) two step inequality word problems (THIS IS TOUGH AND WE WILL COME BACK TO IT)
3) one step inequalities (T.4 easy breezy for us)
4) two step equations (S.6, this was a challenge for us especially with negative numbers but we did it)
5) two step equations with fractions and decimals (Coming soon, like S.6)
6) Find the mistake: two step equations (we will tackle this before we go back to word problems)
7) two step inequalities (Current challenge from class, T.7, we practiced for 10 minutes)
First of all, great job! We are learning what skills we need to tackle these dreaded word problems. We have been building up using IXL tasks and class discussion.
I will demonstrate a few examples and things we learned from Khan Academy so you can work on T.7 today so you can get more familiar and more comfortable with the tasks.
In the first picture, during STEP 2, we were surprised to find when we divide by a negative number, the inequality sign switches directions?!!! WHOA!
In the second picture we discovered that the < and > sign has a line underneath which means greater than or equal to, less than or equal to.
To make more sense of this when the symbol is filled in or a colored in dot we use the symbol < or > with a line under it to include that number.
We use < or > symbol and the "O" circle not filled in we would think "NO" it doesn't include that number.
In the example above, b<3 our number line would have to show that if b is greater than 3, we can't include 3. So our symbol or starting point on a number line would have a "O" to start us off and point to the right.
We will tackle this idea more on Thursday but get work on one of these on Wednesday as well as giving you time to get caught up on your IXL tasks.
We discussed the upcoming count day, what you need to do to check in on Wednesdays, and congratulations, you have no school on Friday.
I discussed that importance of looking at the assignment details in Unified. Being a little more detail oriented can save you a lot of grief. I modeled checking your assignment details in Unified so you build these habits in your daily school activities.
I am listing the IXL skills that we worked on in order to build up for the 8.EE.B.5 "NEW" skills we are working on:
1) 3rd Grade U.1
2) 7th Grade S.6
3) 7th Grade S.2
4) 7th Grade C.6
5) 7th Grade V.2
6) 8th Grade Y.1 (some of you did 7th grade Pythagorean Theorem, that didn't show graph work or should have seemed strange to you because we didn't talk about that in class.) So like we talked about in Homeroom, be sure you have the correct assignment by looking at the assignment details in Unified.
Today: we reviewed what we were aiming for from a Khan Academy question, we reviewed that we need to be able to solve for slope, choose any two points from a table or a grid to find the slope. I am giving you time to catch up on IXL but I didn't see much effort to do these assignments after class. I decided that in order to help you, we will start to look at Edgenuity in Math. Go through the Warm Up, Introduction and Summary. This will give you more teaching on the topic and hopefully add clarity for you to dive in and understand the content better.
So... 8th Graders, catch up in IXL today and work on the Edgenuity items.
Be sure you check in on Wednesday and read the assignment details for that day.
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