Thursday, September 24, 2020

Day 16 and 17 September 23rd and 24th

Hooray!  Hooray to those that stayed on top of things and got your work done.  Hooray to those that toughed it out today and were able to get caught up or are now really close!  We want to avoid the word "procrastination".  I feel like I invented the word but over time, I am learning to conquer its evil ways!

Some of you got caught in the procrastination fever and it probably wasn't so fun today.  However, we can now embark on grade level things and it won't seem so foreign.  

What you may now realize is that WE do indeed want to help.  WE will also do whatever means necessary to keep you on top of your game and making sure YOU show out your potential.  Failure is not an option with me because I believe in you.  Effort means a massive amount to me.  

You Can Do This!  Let's enjoy that success together.

RECAP of Wednesday and Thursday-


Simple, my message in Math (IXL) PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get caught up.  Wednesday or Self Paced Day is not a sit back relax thing!  Ask questions if need by and get after it.  

10 of you took that to heart in Math and were gifted with a Free Day on Thursday in Math AND in Homeroom too.  Some of the 10 still need a bit more coaching and stuck around for 30 minutes to raise your grades.  Mad Respect to you!  

9 of you felt the pressures and longevity a bit more today.  If you didn't practice IXL and show some catching up from yesterday.  You felt the long full homeroom and long full block of Math until you got caught up.  

On the positive side:  I was proud of you for pushing through it and asking questions.  

In the future:  Let's try to avoid that forced study hall scenario.  Remember you are artists first.  You have crazy, sick talents I can only dream of.  Let's enhance that, focus on that but your class work comes first.  If you stay on top of it, I can spend more time working on making Math and Science more artist like instead of chasing you down to keep up.  


I won't repeat what was stated above.

These were your assignments I wanted you to focus on:

NEED Skills:  We NEED these skill to be able to tackle the NEW skills of...

7th Grade: 7.EE.B.4

8th Grade 8.EE.B.5

So your IXL builder assignments were:

7th Graders: 

1) 5th Grade U.1

2) 7th Grade S.6

3) 7th Grade S.2

4) 7th Grade C.6

8th Graders:  

The only difference from 7th Grade was that you need to prove mastery of the grid.  So your 1# assignment was 3rd Grade U.1

2) Same as 7th Grade

3) Same as 7th Grade

4) Same as 7th Grade

TODAY:  we fell behind our intended goal.  We were supposed to tackle the NEW.  That would be impossible and just downright frustrating to you because without knowing the NEED skills and proving mastery of it, the NEW would be miserable.

So... On Monday we will get into the NEW again.  

7th Graders:  I assigned IXL NEED Skill R.11  This type of math popped up in S.6 when dealing with two-step equations.  We will make sure you are masters of the distributive property.  This will make the NEW skill easier to manage and understand.

8th Graders:  I assigned IXL NEED Skill V.2 We found out on Monday that when we tried to tackle the NEW again, we found other things we have to know first.  One of those things was the ability to calculate the slope of a graph or grid.  This is a must because we need to read the slopes of two different grids and tell what it means.  

Tackle those and let's look at that NEW skill I gave you on Monday.


Both classes we kicked off the Big History Project and you should have watched a 15 minute segment of the 48 minute video.  You were not only supposed to watch this video for 15 minutes but also look for the answers to the 10 questions from the video.  Play video detective or what we call ACTIVE learning.  

On your self-paced day you were expected to finish the remaining 30 minutes of that video and be ready for class.  

We will see tomorrow what your found out.


Class Dojo for parents to get information

Khan Academy Log In 

Edgenuity Log In

That's that, so until next time, stay caught up and....... See ya!

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